Today I hiked the Lovell Canyon Trail with the rock-hounds from the Henderson Heritage Park Senior Center. Click this link for pictures and a description of todays hike … Daytrip – Lovell Canyon |
Lovell Canyon Daytrip
The Wild Horses of Cold Creek
Go to my Photo Journal site to read more [Ken's Photography Journal]. If you would like to vote for your favorite picture, email me at |
09/08/2011 Daytrip to Mt. Charleston’s Scenic Loop
On 09/09/2011 I visited Mt. Charleston’s Scenic Loop for the second time this year with the rock hounds from the Heritage Park Senior Facility. Rather than create a single new page, I updated the previous posting by adding creating a series of five new pages, one for each of our stops/hikes along the way, plus, I also added 31 more pictures to the slideshow at the bottom of the page. Click here to view ... Daytrip - Mt. Charleston Scenic Loop. |
09/01/2011 Daytrip to Corn Creek
On 09/01/2011 I visited Corn Creek for the third time this year with the rock hounds from the Heritage Park Senior Facility. Rather than create a whole new page, I updated the previous posting by adding new information, pictures and 16 more pictures to the slideshow. Click here to view ... Daytrip - Corn Creek Field Station
09/01/2011 Daytrip to Cold Creek, Nevada
On 09/01/2011 the rock hounds from the Heritage Park Senior Facility made another daytrip to Cold Creek, Nevada. Rather than create a whole new page, I updated the previous posting by adding new information, pictures and a slideshow. Click here to view ... Daytrip - Cold Creek, Nevada.
Bellagio Botanical Garden (1)
This picture is a view of the bird aviary inside Bellagio’s botanical garden summer exhibit entitled, “2011 Summer Garden”. Click here to see more pictures of the exhibit and of the beautiful parrots that were inside the aviary … Eastern Rosella. |
Wild Horses of Cold Creek - Triptych Number II
Wild Horses at Cold Creek - Triptych Number I
Yellow Spine Thistle (Cirsium ochrocentrum)
Description: Cirsium ochrocentrum is a perennial that grows 5 feet. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by bees, flies, lepidoptera, beetles, and self.The plant is self-fertile. It prefers light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and requires well-drained soil; preferring acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It cannot grow in the shade. Oddly, it requires dry or moist soil. The picture on the right is of a new root, probably only a matter of weeks old. |
Thistles are known for their effusive flower heads, usually purple or rose to pink, also yellow or white. The radially symmetrical disk flowers are at the end of the branches. They have erect stems and prickly leaves, with a characteristic enlarged base of the flower which is commonly spiny. The leaves are alternate, and some species can be slightly hairy. The word 'Cirsium' derives from the Greek word kirsos meaning 'swollen vein'. Thistles were used as a remedy against swollen veins. The entire plant is diaphoretic and diuretic. It is infused overnight in cold water and the water is then drunk in the treatment of syphilis. A liquid from the boiled blossoms has been used to treat burns and skin sores. A decoction of the root has been taken by both partners as a contraceptive. It has also been taken five times a day in the treatment of diabetes. The flower blooms from April to late August. | ||
1963 Corvette Stingray
Tagging In Pittman Wash
Though this is not something that I usually use this site for, I felt because this was so offensive and close to home, that it was it worthy of providing space for in the hopes that it might incite others into action by being more vigilant in helping to prevent these type of affronts to our everyday way of life and pursuits of happiness. The Henderson Pittman Wash, which runs right along the northern property boundary line of our apartment complex, is an area where hundreds of local residents walk their dogs daily and take regular nature walks, bike rides, and jogs. But over this past weekend (between 9/24-9/25) someone decided to stamp their name all over it, in black spray paint. There was even a swastika painted on a trash can. What looks like a group of at least four taggers defaced walls, trees, park benches, light poles and walkways with gang-style tagging along the .8 mile stretch of this normally tranquil area between Green Valley Parkway and Valle Verde Drive. |
The Good news was that the Henderson Graffiti Abatement Team was quick to respond to this horrific disrespect of public property and within a matter of an hour had most of these offensive tags painted over. We certainly give credit and our thanks to them for a job well done. Graffiti, or tagging, is a gross misdemeanor, and possibly a felony in the City of Henderson. If you see somebody in the act of tagging, or you want to report graffiti and request removal, please contact the City of Henderson Graffiti Removal 24-Hour Hotline at 267-3220. The Henderson graffiti removal program will have the damaged property restored to it's original condition. You may choose to repair the damage yourself, however, first take a photo of it as evidence and submit it to the investigating officer. Tagging is punishable by law and the penalty may be fines and/or jail time. Parents will be held responsible for the restitution of property damage caused by their children's delinquent act. |
Also, our thanks to Fox News 5 for their report the day before. View Channel 5's news coverage here [Taggers strike Pittman Wash]. It is only with the help of everyday citizens, working with our local police departments, that we can ever hope to arrest and stop these criminals from infringing on our God given right to enjoy that which is ours. |
2011 Super Run Classic Car Show
On 09/22/2011 I attended the first day of the 2011 Super Run Classic Car Show at the District at Green Valley. Each year I try to make a couple of collages with the photos that I collect. This year I created this one from several photos I took of the better displayed engines. Sometimes the hood are up and sometimes not, I guess depending upon whether or not they are competing in the Judging. |
The slideshow below is designed to run automatically in place. Clicking anywhere in the black background area that surrounds the picture being shown will PAUSE the show and bring up the Pause, Forward and Back menu at the bottom of the slideshow window, allowing you to start, stop or manually forward pictures one at a time.
To view the slideshow full-screen, click in the middle of the running show. When the new browser window appears, click on the left side of the menu where it says "slideshow".
Slideshow Description: The slideshow above contains 38 pictures that were taken at the 2011 Super Run Classic Car Show held at the District at Green Valley.
Rock Fossil
On 09/29/2011, while walking a wash along the western side of the access road up near Lovell Canyon, I found this rock specimen with several conical-like shells imbedded within it. (click to enlarge). Though several others in our group have found some rock specimens containing impressions of small shells and plants, I believe this is one of the largest specimens we've found. Fossilization is an exceptionally rare occurrence, because most components of formerly-living things tend to decompose relatively quickly following death. In order for an organism to be fossilized, the remains normally need to be covered by sediment as soon as possible. However there are exceptions to this, such as if an organism becomes frozen, desiccated, or comes to rest in an oxygen-free environment. | ||
What is a fossil? Quite simply stated, a fossil is the remains or evidence of any creature or plant that once lived on the Earth. Most often it is the remains of a dead animal or plant or the imprint left from the remains of such. Though I certainly don’t know enough about this subject to know what classification this fossil would fall into, It appears that one of the more common finds, as in this case, is the hardened shell of some type of ancient invertebrate. If you take a careful look of a close-up on the right, you will notice two things. At the left edge you get to see the curvature of the outer portion of the shell, giving you a 3-D effect of what the shell was actually like. Looking at the center of the specimen you can actually make out the inside “ribs’ of the shell.
2011 Super Run Classic Car Show
On 09/22/2011 I attended the first day of the 2011 Super Run Classic Car Show at the District at Green Valley. Each year I try to create a couple of couple of collages from the pictures taken. in previous years I have made collages on hood ornaments, tail lights, hub caps, etc. This year I created this one from several photos I took of front-end shots. As my wife said, “Only a guy would appreciate that".” Oh well, they are fund to do and it gives me something to do in my spare time. Take a look at the slideshow below to see some of these beautiful cars in full view. | ||
The slideshow below is designed to run automatically in place. Clicking anywhere in the black background area that surrounds the picture being shown will PAUSE the show and bring up the Pause, Forward and Back menu at the bottom of the slideshow window, allowing you to start, stop or manually forward pictures one at a time. To view the slideshow full-screen, click in the middle of the running show. When the new browser window appears, click on the left side of the menu where it says "slideshow". | ||
Slideshow Description: The slideshow above contains 38 pictures that were taken at the 2011 Super Run Classic Car Show held at the District at Green Valley.
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