I am always on the lookout for books and websites that will make my job of providing site write-ups easier by helping to identify and describe things that I have photographed, such as birds, plants and vegetation, wildlife, geology, rock art, etc. As a result, I have created this reference library as well as a list of point-and-click access to a variety of helpful websites. The more you learn about the desert, its wildlife, its fragile ecology, and its history, the more you will want to help protect and preserve it for future generations. If you have a desire to learn more about the places you have visited or things you have seen on this website, I encourage you to check some of these out. What follows is an outline of the references found on this page.
Table of Contents for this Page
Section I - Site Specific Pages
Section II - Photography Reference Books I Own
Section III - Rock Art Reference Books I Own
Section IV - Books About Nevada
Section V - Subject Specific Internet Sites
1 - General info on the Mojave Desert:
2 - Specific Info on Nevada Insects & Bugs
3 - Specific Info on Birds, Plants, Flora, Butterflies, etc.:
4 - Desert Flora and Plant Species Around Vegas:
5 - Butterflies of the Spring Mountains:
6 - Mojave Desert Wildflowers:
7 - Identifying Fossils:
8 - Rock Art Reference Sites:
Section VI - Locating and Identifying Mines & Hikes
Section VII - Identifying Nevada Wilderness Areas
Section VIII - Mapping Sites
Section I - Site Specific Pages
Here are some links to specific reference pages that can be found on this site: Cryptobiotic Soil The Atlatl Mining Terms Rock Art of the Nevada Great Basin Terms Commonly Associated with Rock Art Study | ||||||||||||||
Section II - Photography Reference Books I Own
Digital Expressions - Creating Digital Art with Adobe Photoshop Elements: Interested in performing extensive editing and manipulation of your photos? Digital Expressions is probably the best book I've found. It provides dozens of step-by-step procedures and digital art techniques for manipulating images, merging images to create montage art, applying brushwork and filters to mimic art, and layering elements to create digital collages, and more. Though it is written to be used with Adobe Photoshop Elements, you can follow the procedures in other photo editing programs such as Paint Shop Pro. I actually was able to get a copy at my local library. Craft & Vision is a free eBook containing 11 great essays full of practical stuff that together will help photographers improve what they do. With articles on things such as, “The Power of The Moment”, “Make Your Images More Dynamic”, “Learn To Direct The Eye”, “Refine Your Composition”, “Understand the Stages”, “Forget Lens Stereotypes”, plus six more. This helpful, wonderfully illustrated 69-page book, is an invaluable resource that can be downloaded free at the following link … Craft Vision - The Free eBook. Just click on the “Add To Cart” link and fill in your email address to download this free PDF book.
Exposure For Outdoor Photography by Michael Frye: This 50-spread PDF ebook, tackles the basics, and goes on to discuss the different ways of accomplishing different exposures to bring about different aesthetics. There is more to exposure than just getting the right amount of light into the camera. Every exposure also creates a specific aesthetic. Exposure For Outdoor Photography is about natural-light photography and the creation of exposures that are not only technically perfect, but aesthetically compelling. Learn about metering modes, exposure modes, histograms, high-contrast scenes, depth of field, shutter speeds, exposure blending, and more! This helpful and wonderfully illustrated book can be downloaded for $5.00 at the following link ... Craft & Vision - Exposure For Outdoor Photography. Just click the "Buy the PDF" or the "iPad App".
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Section III - Rock Art Reference Books I Own
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http://www.amazon.com/Rock-North-American-Indians-Imprint/dp/0521254434 | ||||||||||||||
Geology Highlights of Red Rock Canyon: Red Rock Canyon Geology Mines of Clark County by William O. Vanderburg, published by Stanley Paher: Provides data on mining and milling operations in Clark County as of 1989. Purchase at Amazon for $13.77 - http://www.amazon.com/Mines-Clark-County-William-Vanderburg/dp/0913814709 . Can also be found at the Henderson Public Library. | ||||||||||||||
Section V - Subject Specific Internet Websites
1 - General info on the Mojave Desert:
Mojave Desert [http://mojavedesert.net/] The Mojave Desert stretches from the wedge-shaped Antelope Valley eastward across the Colorado River and into Arizona. Bordering the Sonoran Colorado Desert and running north to and along the majestic Sierra Nevada mountain range, the land in between is anything but what we first imagine a desert to be, flat and featureless; including its national parks and preserves, Death Valley, Joshua Tree, Mojave Preserve, Redrock Canyon NCA, Lake Mead NRA, , Yosemite, and Grand Canyon. This site features its Ghost Towns, Gold Mines, Natural Features, Sand Dunes, Dry Lakes, Craters & Lava, Water, Wildlife, Wildflowers, Views & Vistas, and Rock Art and more.Digital-Desert: Mojave Desert [http://digital-desert.com/] Feature info on What & Where is the Mojave Desert?, its Ecology, Geology, flora, fauna, Desert Wildlife & Desert Plants. Parks & Forests, Wilderness Areas, Geology & Natural Formations, Points of Interest, Regional Map Guides and its People & History and Native Cultures.
Desert Geological Features [http://www.desertusa.com/thingstodo/geo/geology.html] Rocks are all around us. They make up the backbones of hills and mountains and the foundations of plains and valleys. Beneath the soil you walk on and the deep layers of soft mud that cover the ocean basins is a basement of hard rock and minerals. Below is a listing of the many factors that make up the deserts of the Southwest.
Geology Terminology [http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/Biology/wildamerica/desert/desertgeolgy.html]
Read more: http://www.desertusa.com/thingstodo/geo/geology.html#ixzz4iI9fmdys
2 - Specific Info on Nevada Insects & Bugs:
3 - Specific Info on Birds, Plants, Flora, Butterflies, etc.:
Bird and Hike.com [http://www.birdandhike.com/index.htm]: BirdandHike.com one of the best sources of information about the outdoors around Las Vegas! This site has a wealth of information pertaining to desert birds, plants and vegetation, wildlife, geology, rock art, etc.
Birds, Wildflowers, etc. http://www.birdmom.net/index.html
4 - Desert Flora and Plant Species Around Vegas: |

All Plant Species around Vegas [http://www.birdandhike.com/Veg/Species/_Veg_Species.htm] Trees, cactus, grasses, shrubs, desert wildflowers, mountain wildflowers, yuccas, forbs, etc.
Index of Plant Families -- Sonoran Desert Field Guide
[http://www.arizonensis.org/sonoran/fieldguide/plantae/sonoran_desert_flora.html] Pictures for flowers on this site are shown by color. Clicking on the family name will bring up pages of all plants belonging to the family discussed here.
The Sierra range in California is home to an abundance of beautiful wildflowers. This album is intended to serve as a refernce guide for identifying flowers.
Wildflowers of The Mojave Deseert and Southern Nevada
[http://freese895.freestarthost.com/yelloworange.html] Pictures for flowers on this site are shown by color.
Birdmom Flower Identification Site [http://www.birdmom.net/wildflowerswhite.html] Pictures for flowers on this site are shown by eight different colors. Clicking on the "Note" link will bring up details about the flower. .

Desert Flora [http://www.desertusa.com/flora.html] Provides links for identifying the flora (Cactus - Grasses - Shrubs - Trees – Wildflowers) found in the deserts, with photos and information about each plant.
Pocket Guide to Sagebrush [http://www.sagestep.org/pubs/pubs/sagebrush_pock_guide.pdf] Identifies more than 27 different kinds of sagebrush found throughout the Western United States.
"This is by no means a complete Mojave Desert Wildflower guide, but rather a work in progress. I hope that this guide helps you to identify the flowers that you may see while venturing out in our amazing desert. Mojave Desert Wildflower Identification Guide,?b>
5 - Butterflies of the Spring Mountains:

Butterflies of the Spring Mountains
[http://www.butterfliesofthespringmountains.com/] Including residents, migrants and strays, 109 species of butterflies have been recorded in the Spring Mountains. Nine of the resident species are endemic to the Spring Mountains, another four species are possibly endemic but additional research is needed to determine their exact taxonomic status. No other location of comparable size in North America has that many species of endemic butterflies. Beyond the endemic species this unique butterfly fauna includes species that are rare and or that have very restricted distributions within the Spring Mountains, and species not found elsewhere in southern Nevada or in Nevada.
Additional Links for Identifying Birds, Wildlife, Plants and Flora
6 - Mojave Desert Wildflowers:
Mojave Desert Wildflowers: is a field guide to wildflowers, trees and shrubs of the Mojave Desert, including the Mojave National Preserve, Death Valley National Park and Joshua Tree National Park, 2nd Edition. The Mojave Desert eco-region extends from eastern California to northwestern Arizona, southern Nevada, and southwestern Utah, and boasts plant communities as diverse as alkali sinks, dune systems, Joshua tree woodland, pinyon juniper woodland, mixed mojave scrub, and even riparian woodland. This fully updated and revised edition contains detailed photographs and charts useful in distinguishing among similar species in difficult groups. Species are arranged by color and plant family for easy identification. This guide features 300 of the common species, full-color photographs, detailed descriptions, information on bloom season, and interesting facts about each plant. Clicking on this title will take you to an e-edition of this book.
Additional Links for Identifying Wildflowers, Birds, Wildlife, Plants and Flora

Pictures for identifying Fossils:
Fossil Identification:
Additional Links for Identifying Wildflowers, Birds, Wildlife, Plants and Flora
7 - Identifying Fossils:
Fossils Around Las Vegas: Fossils are most often found in carbonate rocks (e.g., corals, shells), but sometimes are found in sandstone (dinosaur and early mammal tracks), mudstone (petrified wood, animal tracks), and shale (trilobites). Invertebrate fossils (e.g., corals, brachiopods, crinoids, and sponges) are common in the sedimentary rocks that make up the mountains around Las Vegas, and trilobites and gastropods can be found in a few places in these mountains too. For a descriptions and examples ... http://www.birdandhike.com/Rocks/Fossils/_Fossil_index.htm.
Fossils Around Las Vegas: Fossils are most often found in carbonate rocks (e.g., corals, shells), but sometimes are found in sandstone (dinosaur and early mammal tracks), mudstone (petrified wood, animal tracks), and shale (trilobites). Invertebrate fossils (e.g., corals, brachiopods, crinoids, and sponges) are common in the sedimentary rocks that make up the mountains around Las Vegas, and trilobites and gastropods can be found in a few places in these mountains too. For a descriptions and examples ... http://www.birdandhike.com/Rocks/Fossils/_Fossil_index.htm.

Pictures for identifying Fossils:
Fossil Identification:
There are hundreds of Internet sites that discuss petroglyphs and rock art. Here are a handful of sites that will get you started on the subject. That last link is to a book I wrote on NV Rock Art in & Around Clark County.
What Did it Mean to Its Creators and Audiences?
Rock Art of Nevada
Rock Art (Petroglyph) Guide
[http://lincolncountynevada.com/images/RockArtGuide.pdf] This PDF brochure contains detailed information on seven major Petroglyph/Pictorgraph sites located within Lincoln County, Nevada. It provides helpful GPS coordinates, BLM markers at entryways,gates or the site itself, metal registers, and often numbered trail markers with corresponding descriptions.
Southern Nevada Rock Art Sites [http://www.forsythlv.com/] Provids links to many southern Nevada sites including Gold Butte, Red Springs, Whitney Pockets, etc.
More Petroglyph Information:
Nevada Petroglyphs & Pictroglyphs: Pictures of petroglyphs of dozens of Southern Nevada sites. [http://www.kayplaza.com/collections/rockart/nevada.php]
Nevada Rock Art Petroglyph Sites In & Around Clark County: This link takes you to a site where you can purchase this book.
Section VI - Locating and Identifying Hikes

Tips for Rating a Hike: Hike/Climbing Ratings
Death Valley - [http://www.birdandhike.com/Hike/DEVA/_DEVA_Over/_DEVA_Over.htm]
Gold Butte - [http://www.birdandhike.com/Hike/GoldButte/_GB_over/_gb_over.htm]
Lake Mead - [http://www.birdandhike.com/Hike/LAME/_LAME_Over/_LAME_Over.htm]
Mt. Charleston - [http://www.birdandhike.com/Hike/Mt_Char/_Mt_C_Over/_Mt_C_Over.htm]
Red Rock Canyon - [http://www.birdandhike.com/Hike/Red_Rocks/_RR_Over/_RR_over.htm]
Sloan Canyon - [http://www.birdandhike.com/Hike/Sloan/_Sloan_Over/_Sloan_Over.htm]
Zion National Park - [http://www.birdandhike.com/Hike/Zion/_Zion_Over/_Zion_Over.htm]
Listing of Nevada's Local Hikes - [http://www.localhikes.com/MSA/MSA_4120.asp]
Henderson Trails - [http://www.cityofhenderson.com/parks/parks/trails_and_bike_lanes.php]
Southern Nevada Mine Information -
Section VII - Identifying Nevada Wilderness Areas
Links below provide overviews of the 20 Clark County wilderness areas are presented below with links to detailed information. Click for an overview map of the Wilderness Areas around Las Vegas and information on hiking in the Wilderness Areas around Las Vegas. Other wilderness area around Las Vegas are also included in this list.
Southern NV Wilderness Areas - [http://www.birdandhike.com/Hike/Wilderness/_Wild_Hiking.htm]
List of Nevada Wilderness Areas [http://davidson-law.net/blogs/jeeplaw/wilderness-areas/ nevada-wilderness-areas/] There are maps and KML files describing the boundaries, as well as routes in and around each of the listed areas.
History of Nevada Wilderness Areas [http://davidson-law.net/blogs/jeeplaw/2011/05/26/ wilderness-areas-in-nevada-a-history-part-1/] This series provides a brief overview of the laws that designated wilderness areas in the state of Nevada, the impact of the Federal Wilderness Act, the Nevada Wilderness Protection Act of 1989, the California Desert Protection Act of 1994, which created the Death Valley Wilderness Area, a portion of which is in Nevada, the Clark County Conservation of Public Land and Natural Resources Act of 2002, the Lincoln County Conservation, Recreation, and Development Act of 2004, and the White Pine County Conservation, Recreation, and Development Act of 2006.
Reference & Travel Guide by State and County [http://www.sangres.com/index.html] This site provides a vast amount of info on Nevada's National Parks - Scenic Byways - National Forests - Nevada's Wilderness Areas - National Wildlife Refuges - Towns and Places - and more - all searchable by county.
Section VIII - Mapping Sites
Free Topographic Map Site: Free Topo Map Site
Free Nevada Quad Maps: Nevada Quad Maps - Available Quad Maps: The NDOT Cartography section creates 30 Minute Quad maps that cover the state. Click on the grid below to view the map you are interested in. Once a 30 Minute Quad map is open, view adjacent maps by clicking the grid on the bottom of each map. Click on the enlarged dashed area to view a town map. (The files are in a PDF file format)
WikiMapia.com [http://wikimapia.org]
Mapquest.com [http://www.mapquest.com/]
Google Maps.com [https://maps.google.com/] You can view Google Maps in 2-D illustrated, 3-D photographic or satellite modes. Standard 2-D map viewing is the default setting, but can be changed by selecting the Earth or Satellite icons in the upper right corner of each map. To view maps using the 3-D Google Earth application, a special plug-in, which can be downloaded from Google, must first be installed. Features for map viewing come in several forms, including webcam, terrain and real-time traffic flow. These views are enabled by selecting from the listed features that appear while hovering your mouse over the Map, Earth or Satellite icons.
Signing up for the AllTrails App will allow you to browse or search for trails closest to you, read and write trail reviews, view topo maps, satellite maps, and terrain maps for 2000 of our most popular trails. You can share trails with friends, access your trails without an internet connection (Before you head out, save a trail to download its topo maps, photos, and reviews for offline use). Check it out.