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This page last updated on 01/25/2019
(Fig. 01) |
(Fig. 02) Click to Enlarge |
Directions: From the Stratosphere, turn right onto Las Vegas Blvd south. Go a little over a mile and turn right again onto W. Sahara Ave. Go 1.2 miles and reverse direction by making a U-Turn back east on W. Sahara Ave. Go .5 miles and turn left to merge onto I-15 North via the ramp on the left toward Salt Lake City. Travel the I-15 North for about 45 miles to Exit 93 (Overton/Logandale exit) to NV-169 (North Moapa Valley Blvd). Turn right (West) on Liston Ave. (look for a Chinese restaurant on the right). Turn right at the stop sign and stay to the right until a dirt road (Mills Road) forces you across the tracks to Pioneer Road. Stay on this road as it winds up the canyon. The first staging area (trailhead) is about 1.5 miles in and has restrooms. Additional staging and camping areas are further in. Total distance is about 63 miles and takes a little over an hour. Refer to the Logandale Trails System Map in (Fig. 02).
(Fig. 03) Click to Enlarge |
Description: The Logandale Trails Recreation Area encompasses over twenty-one thousand acres and is sandwiched between the Valley of Fire, the Moapa Valley and the towns of Logandale and Overton (refer to Fig. 03, right). As you can see from this map, Valley of Fire actually includes some of the Logandale trails. This multiple use trail system is filled with marked trails, camping areas, restrooms, and petroglyphs. In 1998 the BLM and some local groups provided construction of rest rooms, installation of trash receptacles and surveys and renovations of trails. Though the BLM is in charge of Logandale Trails, and all permitting is still under their jurisdiction, in 2014 Picture in Conservation (PIC) became responsible for much of the day-to-day upkeep, including dumpster services, caring for and improving restrooms, cleaning up campsites, monitoring sensitive areas, and establishing more of a watchful presence in the area. A few miles in on the north end entrance, you come to an area that is considered to be the trailhead. It has two shade structures with 8 tables and a restroom building. Several miles further in you will come to the Basset Campground with another restroom building and a hitching post. The trails found here on the western portion are specifically for horseback riding. There are also numerous primitive campsites with fire rings scattered about the trail system; several locations have picnic tables. Note: There are no hookups or dump stations for RVs. Logandale Trails has become incredibly popular for local and out of town off-road enthusiasts sponsored by various organizations, such as the Vegas Valley Four Wheelers and others. It has been estimated that nearly 200,000 people now visit this area annually. Since 1973 lands to the west and north of the Logandale Trails Recreation Area have been turned over to the Nevada Division of State Parks and subsequently added to the boundaries of the Valley of Fire State Park. Logandale Trails is one of the finest examples of a multi-use trail system in the region.
01/24/2019 Trip Notes: Today I was accompanied by Jim Herring, Bob Croke and Ron Ziance. It was a beautiful sunny day in the upper 50's without a cloud in the sky. As we began to enter the Logandale Trails Recreation Area we were confronted with the view of the ancient Aztec red sandstone that dominates the area (Fig. 01). If you enlarge the map in (Fig. 02), you can see that there are about 200 miles of designated trails throughout the area. The trail outlined in (Fig. 08) shows both our intended and actual route for our visit on this trip. From the kiosk we drove the main trail until it split. We took the trail to the right that headed southwest as it cut through the large sandstone ridge outcrop that runs the entire length of the recreation area. This is the beginning of what is known as the Logandale Loop Trail. (Trip notes continued below)
(Fig. A) |
Side Note - The Loop Trail: This is roughly a 13-mile trail as seen in (Fig. 08) that loops around the main area of the Logandale Trail system. Starting at this point, the loop is usually run counter-clockwise, but can be run in either direction. We opted to run it counter-clockwise. Except for a single rocky obstacle (Figs. 04-06) at the south end of the loop, noted on the map in (Fig. 08) as the "Point of failed attempt", this is a fairly easy trail. The obstacle here is simply a small rocky hill about 10-20 feet high that you need to carefully manage a good line to climb up to continue the loop. It was visible that there were several places on top where previous attempts had "bottomed out". Though it is a non-issue for rigs with higher clearance. I decided not to attempt it alone. At this point we turned around and looked for an alternative route (Fig. A). At one point Bob hiked an area that looked like a possible alternative (Fig. 07). The rest of the trail was generally a bumpy, very sandy dirt road. On the east side of the loop, there are a couple of petroglyph sites to be seen. Eventually you come to what is called the "dunes" area before completing the loop. Refer to the map in (Fig. 08) for these locations.
(Fig. 04) |
(Fig. 05) |
(Fig. 06) |
(Fig. 07) Bob Croke photo |
(Fig. 08) GPS route made by Robert Croke |
Trip Notes Continued: About a third of the way through the passageway through the rocky ridge we notice a long ravine filled with lots of greenery, grass, plants and shrubs. We decided to stop and hike it to the end (Figs. 09-11). Along the way we admired the greenery (Fig. 12). Near the end we climbed up some, but decided it was more than what we wanted to attempt to reach the "top" and peer over to the other side. On the way back we took a picture of where we had walked (Fig. 13). In the center of (Fig. 14), it shows where we exited the passageway. As we exited we were confronted with the view of the Muddy Mountains (Fig. 15) on the west side of the valley in front of us. (Trip notes con't below)
(Fig. 09) |
(Fig. 10) |
(Fig. 11) |
(Fig.12) |
(Fig. 13) |
(Fig. 14) |
(Fig.15) |
Trip Notes Continued: We continued driving along the west side of the sandstone ridge admiring the geology. Next we stopped at the Basset Campground with another restroom and a hitching post. This is labeled Restroom #2 on the map in (Fig. 08). We got out and walked around this area taking pictures of the various sandstone outcrops (Fig. 16-18). Driving around a spot here I almost got stuck in the deep, fine sand (Fig. 19). As we continued driving the "loop", it was difficult distinguishing the main trail from all of the side trails made by the ATV's. After some difficulty we eventually reached the location on the map labeled "Point of failed attempt" as discussed previously. After finding an alternative route we finally we got back onto the loop trail and began heading west. At this intersection we came to a long fence along the side of the road (Fig 20) that was protecting an area containing petrographs (Figs. 21-22). It is possible that this area may have been inhabited at one time. There were many places with cracks, crevices, and cave-like areas (Figs. 23-26), that would have allowed habitation and protection, even if only for temporary periods. (see side note on Previous Inhabitants at the end of this post) A further along this portion of the road there was a view of Virgin Peak (elevation 7,911 ft) that is located in Gold Butte, 23 miles away (Fig. 27). Continuing along this road we then came to the second petroglyph site. (Notes continued below)
(Fig. 16) |
(Fig. 17) |
(Fig. 18) |
(Fig. 19) |
(Fig. 20) |
(Fig. 21) |
(Fig. 22) |
(Fig. 23) |
(Fig. 24) |
(Fig. 25) |
(Fig. 26) |
(Fig. 27) |
Trip Notes Continued: After walking around the petroglyphs at site #2 (Figs. 28-31), Bob, Jim and Ron hiked up the wash behind the petroglyphs. After several hundred yards they found a small dam (Figs. 32 thru 37). While Jim, Ron and I hiked around the area of the dam, Bob hiked the area beyond the dam and found yet another dam (Fig. 38) and some more petroglyphs that were even better than the first ones we had seen (Figs. 39 thru 41). Figs. 38 through 41 were taken by Bob Croke. Several hundred feet down-stream from the first dam, I spotted this opening in a section of sandstone (Fig. 42) and a tinja that was filled with water (Fig. 43). After we left this area and headed north, up the final leg of the "loop" we spotted a group of five bighorn sheep off in the distance (Figs. 44 & 45). Unable to find any picnic areas with a grill, we decided to drive out of the trails area to the Grand M. Bowler park in Logandale, where we enjoyed a barbecue dinner of grilled hot dogs, cheese and dip, chips, pickles, olives, apples, bananas, and dessert. Dumb me, I didn't take any pictures.
(Fig. 28) |
(Fig. 29) |
(Fig. 30) |
(Fig. 31) |
(Fig. 32) |
(Fig. 33) |
(Fig. 34) |
(Fig. 35) |
(Fig. 36) |
(Fig. 37) |
(Fig. 38) |
(Fig. 39) |
(Fig. 40) |
(Fig. 41) |
(Fig. 42) |
(Fig. 43) |
(Fig. 44) |
(Fig. 45) |
Side Note - Previous Inhabitants - History and Culture: Several cultural groups may have used the Logandale Trails area prehistorically: the Ancestral Puebloans, the Patayan and the Southern Paiutes. The development of the Virgin River Ancestral Puebloan culture (sometimes called the Virgin Anasazi) began as early as 500 A.D. in and around this area. The Virgin Anasazi culture mysteriously left the area around 1150 A.D. The Patayan were the ancestors of the Yuman-speaking people of today such as the Mohave. Archaeological sites identified as Patayan have been discovered that date as early as 700 A.D. Today, Southern Paiutes live in and around the area that is now the Logandale Trail System. Mormons settled in the region between 1865 and 1870. They established seven towns in the Moapa Valley, including Overton, St. Thomas, and St. Joseph. They often constructed canals and dams, similar to the one here.
If one is diligent, one can spot rock art, pueblo foundations, and artifacts that indicate the former presence of these cultures. Due to the subtle and sometimes hidden nature of the resources, most visitors pass them by without knowing they exist. Several petroglyph sites are in the recesses of rock formations, not visible to the casual passer-by.
Prehistorians tell us that most of the petroglyphs at these sites were carved thousands of years ago. More precise dating of the petroglyphs is still under development. Petroglyphs are not unique to this spot. In fact, similar rock art can be found in nearby areas such as Valley of Fire, Arrow Canyon, and the Gold Butte National Monument. We know from historic accounts of indigenous peoples, the creation of petroglyphs was often an element in the practice of religion. Some commemorate an experience with the supernatural. The designs incorporate traditional elements from hunting religions, animal ceremonialism, and mythology. Petroglyphs have deep cultural and religious significance to the present-day Southern Paiute and other Indian tribes, who believe them to be sacred and imbued with the power of their ancestors.
03/11/2013 Trip Notes: Click here for notes and a few pictures of my first visit to the Logandale Trails Recreation Area ...
Logandale Trails Recreation Area - 03/11/2013 Trip Notes.
Clicking the picture-link below will open OneDrive in a new window and a folder containing 16 pictures taken of trip to the Mojave National Preserve. To view the show, click on the first picture in the folder and you will get the following menu bar:
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Note: Every attempt is made to provide accurate information, but occasionally depictions are inaccurate by error of mapping, navigation or cataloging. The information on this site is provided without any warranty, express or implied, and is for informational and historical purposes only.