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Description: This is a one-of-a-kind desktop Zen sculpture created from a combination of three rock specimens. The one with the seagulls was purchased in a gift shop more than 30 years ago The other two were gathered on various hikes with the rock hounds from the Henderson Heritage Park Senior Facility. Most of these hikes were in and around the mountain ranges of Clark County and Southern Nevada. Even though this is not a “sculpture” in the true sense of the word, it still gives the appearance of rock and stone carved and rising out of a stark desert floor. Background: I am always looking for ways to showcase what I feel are some of the more interesting and unique rock specimens picked up during my weekly hiking expeditions with the rock hounds from the Henderson Heritage Park Senior Facility. One day I was looking at a picture of a ZEN garden and had the idea that this might be one way to accomplish this. After spending a day searching the Internet, I finally located two relatively inexpensive Zen garden kits to use as a basis for creating the sculptures. I then found a site that sold "Mini Patio Mix", a cement composition for creating miniature gardens. Using these materials, the piece above my second attempt at creating a desktop Zen sculpture. |