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This page last updated on 06/15/2017
(Fig. 01) |
03/09/2016 Trip Notes: At one picture taking stop we made on the way into the park we found some Globe Mallow (Fig. 02) that I had not observed on my previous trip. As you can see from the two pictures in (Figs. 01 & 03), there were still many sprawling vistas of purple and yellow. Even though the picture in (Fig. 02) looks like just a blanket of yellow flowers, a closer inspection of this area revealed that it contain nearly a half dozen of smaller flowers growing closer to the ground. Each of the pictures found in (Figs. 04 thru 09) below were found by walking around this area. Though I had captured pictures for some of these flowers on my previous trip, there we several that I had missed. (con't below)
(Fig. 02)
Desert Globemallow (sphaeralcea abigua) |
(Fig. 03)
Desert Gold (Geraea canescens) |
(Fig. 04)
Golden Evening-Primose (Camissonia Brevipes) |
Desert Five-Spot (Eremalche rotundifolia) |
(Fig. 06)
Scented Cryptantha (Cryptantha utahensis) |
(Fig. 07)
Brittlebush (Encelia farinosa) |
(Fig. 08)
Rock Daisy (Perityle emoryi) |
(Fig. 09)
Bearded Cryptantha (Cryptantha barbigera)
Trip Notes Continued: After reaching the site of the Ashford Mill ruins, I decided to walk down into a wash (Fig. 10) that I had not examined on my previous visit. In addition to the normal sunflowers, Desert Sabrina (Fig. 11), and Desert Five-Spots (Fig. 12), we found a Desert Iguana (Fig. 13) roaming around the base of a Creosote Bush [
Creosote Bush (Larrea tridentata)]. In all my hiking, this is the only fourth time I have seen one of these. Even though he get moving around the bush, we were grateful that he didn't retreat into his burro, allowing us to capture some pictures (Fig. 14). After finding this guy we decided to have a picnic lunch inside the shade of one of the site's ruins (Fig. 15). As we headed home we found some pictures of Caltha-Leaf Phacella and Indigo Bush (Figs. 16 & 17) on the east side of the road going back toward Badwater Basin. Even though the blooms were not as good a two weeks before, it was still good enough that Jim had a good day and got some great pictures.
(Fig. 10) |
(Fig. 11)
Desert Sand Verbena (Abronia villosa) |
(Fig. 12)
Desert Five-Spot (Eremalche rotundifolia) |
(Fig. 13) |
(Fig. 14) |
(Fig. 15) |
(Fig. 16)
Phacelia calthifolia (calthaleaf phacelia or caltha-leaved phacelia) |
(Fig. 17)
Indigo Bush (Psorothamnus fremontii)
Gravel Ghost (Atrichoseris platyphylla) (white) |
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