
Fossils near Potosi Mine

             {Click on an image to enlarge, then use the back button to return to this page}
(Fig. 01)
Picture Notes: On 01/08/2014, during a hike to the historic Potosi Mine on the western flank of Potosi Mountain, I observed several large rocks that were embedded with various seabed-like fossils (Fig. 01), a close-up of (Fig. 02). My guess is that they may be some type of pelecypods or Brachiopoda. If anyone viewing this page can identify these, please email me at ...  Even though the item in the center of (Fig. 03) appears to be some type of fossilized item, I have no idea as to what it might be. Something I find interesting is that only last year I found quite a few rocks containing sea fossils at the very top of Mount Potosi … Mount Potosi Fossils.
(Fig. 02)
(Fig. 03)

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Slideshow Description:
The slideshow above contains 41 pictures that were taken on this hike.