
New Index Page for Plants & Flowers

2012 Flowers 03This month I took on the ambitious project of trying to better organize the hundreds of flower pictures from my hikes that I have accumulated over the past several years. Even though I have had a subject category with the label "Plant & Flowers" for the placement of flower postings, its index was merely a list of hyperlinks with the name of the plant or flower with no accompanying picture, thus making identification and searching extremely difficult. For some time now I have wanted to add a picture to each of these links to make it easier to searching and look up flowers. Last week I finally came up with a relatively easy way, though time consuming, to accomplish this.
Now when you click on the Photos by Subject  tab found at the top of a page, and subsequently select the sub-category Plants & Flowers under the section, (2) Rocks, Plants & Trees, you are presented with an alphabetical list of postings with a picture of the flower, a brief description, and a link to its main page. Even though my organizing efforts are still ongoing, coupled with the fact that I don’t yet have a “detail’ page for every flower and that the list is incomplete, I still decided too make it available to visitors of the site who may want to search for and look up flowers they may have seen on their own hikes. Hopefully, as my hiking will be winding down over the summer months due to the heat, I will have more time to dedicate to finishing this project. Click the link titled “Plants & Flowers” above to view and try out this new index. Hope you enjoy.
In going through flower pictures that I have on file, I have found dozens of plants and flowers that I have yet to identify. Shortly, I will also be posting a page with pictures of those that I have yet to identify, and soliciting your help in their identification.