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This page last updated on 12/27/2017
(Fig. 01 - North) |
(Fig. 02 - West) |
(Fig. 03 - East) |
(Fig. 04 - South) |
Though it certainly doesn't hold any spiritual significance, the Level 107 Lounge at the top of the Stratosphere Casino Tower has now become a special meeting place and traditional stop whenever Jim and Patrick come to visit. Located just one floor up from the elegant, revolving Top of the World restaurant, the lounge serves up an array of excellent 1/2 price appetizers (Fig. 05) and martinis (Fig. 06) during a daily ‘happy hour’'; all with sunset views (Fig. 09) that can be just heavenly. Jim and I always make sure we order the Chocolate Masterpiece Martini (Godiva Chocolate Vodka, Godiva Chocolate, White Chocolate Liqueur) for dessert, though we may have to change this next time. On our last visit we also ordered the Carmel Swirl (Absolute Vanilla Vodka, Butterscotch & Carmel Mix) and thought it was outstanding. North (Fig. 01), South (Fig. 04), East (Fig. 03) or West (Fig. 02), it provides views of the Las Vegas valley that can’t be found in any other Las Vegas lounge. (Fig. 07 & 08) just enjoying the view. One of the great advantages of partaking of happy hour here is that you avoid the $18 per/person tower fee for elevator ride to the two observation decks and thrill rides located above the lounge. The night view of the tower at the bottom, (Fig. 18), was taken from the valet area while we were waiting for our car.
(Fig. 05) |
(Fig. 06) |
(Fig. 07) |
(Fig. 08) |
(Fig. 09) |
Jutting 1,149 feet into the Vegas skyline, the iconic Stratosphere Tower is the tallest freestanding observation tower in the United States and offers the world’s highest and most exciting thrill rides. So, if you’re an adrenaline junky, a thrill seeker, or a daredevil – this is the place for you. So far none of us have gotten drunk enough (yet!) to try any of these.
Insanity the Ride: A massive mechanical arm (Fig. 10 & 11) extending out 64 feet over the edge of the Stratosphere Tower at a height of over 900 feet, this Vegas ride will spin you and several other passengers in the open air at speeds of up to three 'G's. You'll be propelled up to an angle of 70 degrees, which will tilt your body into one position — straight down! If you're brave enough to keep your eyes open you'll be rewarded with a breathtaking view of historic downtown Las Vegas. Experience Insanity and walk away to tell the tale! |
(Fig. 10) |
(Fig. 11) |
Big Shot: Strap into the Big Shot (Figs. 12 & 13) and be shot 160 feet in the air at 45 miles per hour as you overlook the majestic Las Vegas Valley. In a matter of seconds, the Big Shot thrill ride catapults 16 riders from the 921-foot high platform up the Tower's mast to a height of 1,081 feet and down again. Before you catch your breath, you'll be shot back up again at a gut-wrenching four 'G's of force on the way up, and feel negative 'G's on the way down as your legs dangle in the Las Vegas skyline. |
(Fig. 12) |
(Fig. 13) |
X-Scream: The X-Scream (Figs. 14 & 15) is a giant ‘space age’ teeter-totter, 866 feet above the ground. It propels you and several other riders headfirst, 27 feet over the edge of the tower. After being shot over the edge, you'll dangle weightlessly above the Las Vegas Strip before being pulled back and propelled over again for more. |
(Fig. 14) |
(Fig. 15) |
Sky Jump: Sky Jump (Figs. 16 & 17), the highest controlled free fall in the world, sends you jumping off the 108th floor at a scream-inducing speed. Before the jump, riders are prepped and suited up in Stratosphere’s custom jump suits and given a safety lesson. After a short elevator trip to the top of the Stratosphere Tower, the jumper is connected to a high-speed “descender” and led to the edge of the platform. Just take that last step and plummet through the sky 855 feet, or the equivalent of 108 floors. Click on (Fig. 14) and you will be able to see the wires that control the jump. Click on (Fig. 15) and you are able to see a jumper (in a blue suit) just to the right of the pool. |
(Fig. 16) |
(Fig. 17) |
(Fig. 18) |