Though this is not something that I usually use this site for, I felt because this was so offensive and close to home, that it was it worthy of providing space for in the hopes that it might incite others into action by being more vigilant in helping to prevent these type of affronts to our everyday way of life and pursuits of happiness. The Henderson Pittman Wash, which runs right along the northern property boundary line of our apartment complex, is an area where hundreds of local residents walk their dogs daily and take regular nature walks, bike rides, and jogs. But over this past weekend (between 9/24-9/25) someone decided to stamp their name all over it, in black spray paint. There was even a swastika painted on a trash can. What looks like a group of at least four taggers defaced walls, trees, park benches, light poles and walkways with gang-style tagging along the .8 mile stretch of this normally tranquil area between Green Valley Parkway and Valle Verde Drive. |