

Wildflowers - Cottonwood Cove and Eldorado Canyon.

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This page last updated on 04/01/2020

(Fig. 03)
04/01/2020 Trip Notes: Due to the coronavirus, access to the Cottonwood Cove inside the Lake Mead National Recreation Area was closed and we were turned around at the LMNRA check point. Even though we couldn't drive to the lake, there were some wildflowers along the sides of the road. Even though it was just a little early in the season, the Beavertail Pricklypear (Opuntia basilaris)  cactus were just beginning to bloom (Figs. 01-03). With its brilliant magenta flowers, they can be seen from a distance and are always eye catching. Next there is a wide variety of wildflowers, there were many more that I didn't even catch (Fig. 05). Then there is always another standout that is easily spotted, the bright orange the Desert Globemallow (Fig. 06). Even though we spotted several wildflowers, we were not overly excited as compared to some previous years. After apicnic lunch at the library in Searchlight, we drove down to the end of the road in Eldorado Canyon. Lots of yellow,but not much else. Here are a few pages from previous years ... Cottonwood Cove Wildflower Visit2017 Desert Foliage2016 Desert Foliage.

(Fig. 04)
(Fig. 06)

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